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Vintage Pyrex Advertising

Pyrex Ads.

For the collector, vintage Pyrex advertising can represent a valuable resource for identifying information. Ads often include clues to dating and original accessories. They also provide a window to the tastes and fashions of the past.

Especially interesting are those published during the time of Fair Trade laws, under which manufacturers were allowed to set-- and retailers were required to charge-- a pre-determined selling price. If only those prices prevailed on the collector's market today!

Here is a selection of ads spanning the era of vintage Pyrex kitchenware. Click on any for a photo or slideshow.

Corning Glass of Canada Ltd.

 (1960) Cadeau Parfait pour la Femme Moderne... Pyrex

Corning Glass Works

 (1918) Crisp Brown Undercrusts
 (1918) Pyrex Out of the Icebox & Into the Oven
 (1918) Pyrex Out of the Icebox & Into the Oven
 (1920) Cooking School Finds Foods Bake Better
 (1920) Pyrex Gift Set
 (1922) Oh What A Pudding
 (1922) Scientific Materials Co.
 (1924) Pat-A-Cake for Christmas Cheer
 (1925) No Home Can Have Too Much Pyrex
 (1925) You'll Have No Pans To Do
 (1926) Cooking School Finds Foods Bake Better
 (1926) Experts Find
 (1927) Better Baking Hotter Quicker Serving
 (1928) $5.15 Buys Enough Pyrex
 (1928) $5.15 Buys Enough Pyrex
 (1928) Pyrex Ovenware for Baking and Serving
 (1930) Pyrex Ovenware Birthday Party
 (1931) From Oven to Table to Refrigerator
 (1931) Heat Wont Hurt Me Percolator
 (1932) 50% Reductions on Popular Pyrex
 (1932) Masback Catalog pg. 385
 (1932) Masback Catalog pg. 386
 (1932) Masback Catalog pg. 387
 (1932) Masback Catalog pg. 388
 (1932) Pyrex Pie Plate
 (1932) Three Timely Confessions
 (1933) I'm Giving Pyrex to My Friends This Year
 (1933) My Pyrex Dishes Paid for Themselves
 (1933) Ten Piece Set Only $2.95
 (1935) Extraordinary Value 9 Piece Set for $1.95
 (1935) Spring Feature 7 Piece Set for $.95
 (1935) When Brides Become Cooks
 (1937) Bake and Serve in Pure Clean Glass
 (1937) Custard Cups Thin As Table Glass
 (1937) Glass Pots and Pans Come Right to the Table
 (1937) New All Glass Corning Coffee Maker
 (1938) New Low Prices
 (1938) Vonnegut catalog pg. 759
 (1938) Vonnegut catalog pg. 760
 (1939) Merry Pyrexmas Bargains
 (1939) Pyrex Ovenware Birthday Party
 (1939) You Never Saw a Saucepan Like This
 (1940) Belknap Catalog pg. 1441
 (1940) Belknap Catalog pg. 1442
 (1940) Brides Love Pyrex Ware
 (1940) Check The Pyrex Ware You Need
 (1940) Choose Pyrex Gifts One to Ten
 (1940) Cooking Taught With Loving Care
 (1940) Let Every Pyrex Dish Serve You
 (1940) Masback Catalog pg. 519
 (1940) Masback Catalog pg. 520
 (1940) Masback Catalog pg. 521
 (1940) Masback Catalog pg. 522
 (1940) Masback Catalog pg. 523
 (1940) Masback Catalog pg. 524
 (1940) Pyrex Gifts
 (1940) Pyrex Pie Plate/Flameware
 (1940) Pyrex Sets At New Savings
 (1940) Why Didn't Somebody Tell Me?
 (1941) Exciting New Pyrex Flameware Teapot
 (1941) Pyrex Gifts This Christmas
 (1942) Who Are You Marrying?
 (1943) How Many Mothers Are On Your List?
 (1943) Make Your Wartime Meals The Best
 (1943) Pyre Ware Will See You Through
 (1943) The Sweeter They Are The Harder They Fall
 (1943) What Do You Girls Want For Christmas?
 (1944) It's The Day Before Christmas
 (1944) Save Precious Food With Pyrex Ware
 (1944) Victory Gardener
 (1944) What A Bride Can Do With Pyrex Ware
 (1944) You Can See What's Cookin
 (1946) Clear Sparkling Its Pyrex Flameware
 (1946) Look At All The Pyrex You Can Give Her
 (1946) Look At All The Pyrex You Can Give Her
 (1946) Look At All The Pyrex You Can Give Her
 (1946) New Pyrex Bowls In The Colors Of Spring Flowers
 (1946) Two Ways To Look At A Bride
 (1946) Two Ways To Look At A Bride
 (1947) Cooking Taught With Loving Care
 (1947) Ever Bake a Picture Cake?
 (1947) For The Two Sweetest Girls In The World
 (1947) You Can See It's Clean
 (1948) Bake Serve and Store In The Same Pyrex Dish
 (1948) Food Doesn't Stick
 (1948) Give Pyrex Ware For Wedding Days (All June)
 (1948) Pyrex Ware Makes Coffee Taste Better
 (1948) Use Every Pyrex Dish A Dozen Ways
 (1948) You Can See It's Clean
 (1948) You Can See What's Cookin
 (1949) Pyrex Stars For Christmas Giving
 (1950) Christmas Shopping? Look At These!
 (1950) For Fine Food and a Festive Table
 (1950) New Pyrex Cradled Casseroles
 (1950) Nobody Needs These More Than A Bride
 (1951) Are These Pyrex Treasures In Your Cupboard?
 (1951) Extra Smart! Pyrex Ware in Color!
 (1951) Small Family? Big Family?
 (1952) Give The Truly Modern Cookware
 (1952) Perk It In Pyrex!
 (1953) A Quick Tour To a Land of New Profits
 (1953) New Tempered Pyrex Flameware
 (1953) Now It's Pyrex Dinnerware
 (1953) See The Beautiful New Pyrex Dinnerware
 (1954) Kelly-How-Thomson Catalog pg. 1695
 (1954) Kelly-How-Thomson Catalog pg. 1696
 (1954) Pyrex Gift Fair
 (1954) Pyrex Puts The See In Cooking
 (1954) So Easy To Wash Clean When Its Pyrex
 (1954) Use Fine Dinnerware at Every Meal
 (1955) Just Your Dish Absolutely Free
 (1955) Solve Your Gift Problems With Pyrex
 (1956) Seeing Is Believing (left)
 (1956) Seeing Is Believing (right)
 (1957) Exciting New Cinderella Bowl Set
 (1957) Pyrex Oven-Freezer-Server Set
 (1957) Seven Smart New Gifts
 (1957) Smart Pyrex Casseroles
 (1957) Special Offer Pyrex Range-top Percolator
 (1958) Colorful Oven To Table Casseroles
 (1958) New Pyrex Holiday House Gifts
 (1958) New Pyrex Honeymoon House Gifts
 (1959) New Pyrex Gifts
 (1959) Pyrex Ware Party for the Bride
 (1959) Today's Look For Today's Cook: Pyrex Cinderella Bowls
 (1959) Today's Look For Todays Cook: Pyrex Ware
 (1960) Today's Look For Today's Cook: Pyrex Gifts
 (1960) Today's Look For Today's Cook: Pyrex Gifts
 (1960) Today's Look For Today's Cook: Pyrex Ware
 (1961) New Pyrex Magic Cradle
 (1961) Pyrex Gifts
 (1961) Pyrex Ware Works So Many Ways
 (1962) Pyrex Flip-Top Juicer
 (1962) There's A Pyrex Casserole Color-Keyed Just For You
 (1962) Today's Pyrex Ware: Casserole Gift Sets
 (1962) Today's Pyrex Ware: Casserole Gift Sets
 (1962) Today's Pyrex Ware: Casserole Gift Sets
 (1962) Today's Pyrex Ware: Early American
 (1963) Any Way You Make Coffee
 (1963) Pyrex Casserole Color Keyed Just For You
 (1963) Pyrex New Shapes, New Profits
 (1964) Some For The Bride Some For You
 (1964) This Is Terra
 (1964) Town & Country
 (1967) Pyrex Goes Continental with Verde
 (1968) Lost & Found (left)
 (1968) Lost & Found (right)
 (1968) New Pyrex Daisy Ware
 (1969) Next: Horizon Blue Pyrex Ware
 (1970) Pyrex Ware Still Worth Discovering
 (1971) Start A Beautiful Friendship
 (1972) Now It Costs 20% Less
 (1972) Pyrex Brand Compatibles
 (1972) Pyrex Brand Sculptured Ovenware
 (1978) Basic Pyrex. Dressy Pyrex.
 (1978) Made For Each Other
 (1978) Pyrex Bowl Sets Special
 (1978) Pyrex Brand Margarine Dish From Kraft
 (1980) Introducing Forest Fancies
 (1980) Pyrex Brand Margarine Dishes From Kraft
 (1980) Pyrex Hospitality Collection
 (1981) Pyrex Bake, Serve, and Store Sets
 (1983) Introducing Pyrex Colonial Mist
 (1983) Pyrex Cinderella Bowl sets

Crown Crystal Glass Pty. Ltd.

 (1939) Cook in Glass
 (1940) Put The Pie In Pyrex
 (1945) You'll Cook Better in Agee Pyrex
 (1947) Let's Look Into Agee Pyrex
 (1947) Pyrex Is A 3 in 1 Ware
 (1949) Agee Pyrex Has A Way With Men
 (1949) Man-bait!
 (1951) Me? Wasting Time?
 (1952) A New Free Recipe Book
 (1953) There's Nothing As Good As Pyrex
 (1953) Wonderful News! Pyrex Gift Sets
 (1958) 3-Ways Terrific Agee Pyrex
 (1958) Piping Hot and Perfect Winter Meals
 (1959) A Wonderful Gift
 (1959) Gift-rapt Christmas Morning
 (1961) Festive Ware By Agee Pyrex

JAJ UK Pyrex

 (1959) New Pyrex Gaiety