Pyrex Non-Standard Pattern Timeline
This timeline graph is designed to help visualize the order and years of release, as well as the duration of production of Pyrex Color Ware Non-Standard Patterns 1956-1983. To be considered non-standard or promotional, as opposed to standard, a pattern must have been available only for typically one season or a year, or have featured a decoration that was not also found in a standard pattern collection. Known specials are also included. Since many non-standard or promotional patterns were not given official names by the company, the names listed are those most often seen used in the collectibles marketplace.
Hover over timespan bars for enhanced legend. Pattern names link to more info.
Non-Standard Pattern | ↓1953 | ↓1956 | ↓1960 | ↓1964 | ↓1968 | ↓1972 | ↓1975 | ↓1980 |
Non-Standard Pattern | ↑1953 | ↑1956 | ↑1960 | ↑1964 | ↑1968 | ↑1972 | ↑1975 | ↑1980 |